Swimming Lessons
Radikal Swim Technification
At Radikal Swim we have developed a training program aimed at improving technical swimming in open water so you enjoy the water and better your results. Sergi Roure - one of the Radikal Swim founders, Olympic swimmer and open water swimming specialist, and Gerard Alemany - our technical director, elite swimmer and experimented coach ow and swimming coach - have collected in this method all their experience and knowledge to put it at your disposal.
This program of Technification and training lessons takes place both in the pool (Sant Jordi Pool, Barcelona) and in the sea (Barcelona International Sailing Center - BISC) throughout the year.
The Radikal Coaches Marc Calzada, Clàudia Giralt and Gerard Alemany will help you to overcome yourself and achieve your goals.

Have the level you have, when you start the Radikal Swim Technique sessions. You will work in different phases in your path to achieve your goals:
Work of breathing, position and balance of the body inside the water, rotation and alignment
Loss of fear of water and elimination of unnecessary muscular tensions, avoiding harmful points on the technique of swimming and guaranteeing the fluidity of the movement
Efficiency: Ability to swim long distances without effort and reducing fatigue (further, longer, faster).
Progression and refinement of the basic and specific technical points worked in the previous phase.
Awareness of rhythms in different intensities of aerobic work.
Improvement of technical points that have to do with propulsion, both at technical level and coordinating level.
Domination of the technique in all types of intensities and in contexts of greater volume.
Improved aerobic efficiency and capacity, increased aerobic and anaerobic threshold in relation to VO2max (maximal oxygen consumption).
The goal of each swimmer will be prioritized during the sessions and thus create the adaptations that take the swimmer to the achievement of this objective.
You will have:
Training material
Video-analysis in all sessions
Exclusive Newsletter
Small groups in each session
Radikal gift
Additional features
You will be able to join the CN Radikal Swim
For all levels
Underwater recordings like out of the water with instant feedback
Video analysis with slowmotion playback
Cloud folder for each swimmer
Other training modalities
Individual / personal sessions and trainings
Sessions and training in pair
Sessions and trainings for clubs, training groups or groups of friends
Test session
Book a free trial!
Write us at tecnificacio@radikalswim.com. -
Share your goals with us and we will be at your disposal to help you achieve them.